Finding your own interior style can be an overwhelming and daunting experience..
If you are anything like me.. you get on Pinterest and find thousands of beautiful images.
Only to keep scrolling and then bam! you find.. something completely different, a different colour scheme, a different look and style.. aagh you love this one equally as much.
You are left confused and baffled, your dream of the perfect room heads straight into the To-hard basket, you convince yourself I’m happy… I’ll just live with my beige walls.
Thinking about me and my own home.. I think the major issues holding me back are..
#1 - That I might not like it in a few years or it’s going date.
#2 - I don’t know where to start.
#3 – I Love everything & I can’t decide on what I want to do!
But as a result you end up living with boring, run of the mill unfinished interiors.
Well not anymore!
We are here to help & together we will tackle your home and transform it into a place you love, a space you are proud of. Just working together and having someone to bounce ideas off can be helpful.
Interiors are my passion, my hobby, I do this for fun… So me and my team only accept 2-3 Styling jobs per month. Yes this service is free and yes there is a waiting list.
If you are interested, get yourself on the waiting list – Here
In the meantime, read my top 10 tips on finding your style.